The 9th West Lake International Symposium on Plasma Simulation (2015年西湖会议)

来源: 聚变理论与模拟中心 作者: 时间:2018-04-13 访问次数:0

Numerical simulation is a powerful tool to study complex nonlinear behaviors of plasmas. Institute for Fusion Theory and Simulation, Zhejiang University (IFTS-ZJU) will host the 9th West Lake International Symposium on Plasma Simulation at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China in May 18-21, 2015. The Symposium will focus on simulation models and numerical scheme as well as their applications in magnetically and inertially confined, space, and astrophysical plasmas. Scientists as well as graduate students, both domestic and abroad, are welcome to participate. 
The Symposium format will consist of Invited and Contributed Talks, and Posters. In addition to present their recent results and progresses, participants are encouraged to explore new directions for future investigations as well as possible collaborations. 
