The 10th West Lake International Symposium on Magnetic Fusion and 12th Asia Pacific Plasma Theory Conference (2016年西湖会议)

来源: 聚变理论与模拟中心 作者: 时间:2018-04-13 访问次数:0

Institute for Fusion Theory and Simulation, Zhejiang University (IFTS-ZJU) will host the joint meeting of the 10th West Lake International Symposium (WLIS) on Magnetic Fusion and the 12th Asia Pacific Plasma Theory Conference (APPTC) at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China on May 9-12, 2016. The West Lake International Symposium will cover the theoretical, computational and experimental aspects of magnetic fusion plasmas with emphasis on the following topics: wave particle interaction; MHD and burning plasma physics; turbulence, transport and edge physics. The 12th APPTC will cover a broader range of topics in plasma sciences including theory, modeling, and simulations for magnetic fusion plasmas, space plasmas, laser-plasma interactions, low-temperature plasmas, and basic plasma phenomena.
The joint meeting format will consist of Invited and Contributed Talks, and Posters. In addition to presenting their recent results and progresses, participants are encouraged to explore new research directions and collaborations. 
The purposes of the West Lake International Symposium are to facilitate collaboration among theorists, simulation scientists, and experimentalists both within China and internationally, and to educate young researchers in China. The Symposium has been held annually since IFTS was established in 2006. Each Symposium was focused on one particular area of plasma sciences including magnetic fusion physics, space plasma physics, laser plasma interaction as well as numerical simulations. 
The purpose of the APPTC is to provide a forum for the exposition and exchange of the latest research and development results in plasma science in the Asia-Pacific region. Since the first conference in Daejeon (Korea, 1996), the conference was continued in Toki (Japan, 1997), Beijing (China, 1998), Seoul (Korea, 1999), Hangzhou (China, 2000), Sydney (Australia, 2002), Nara (Japan, 2005), Ahmedabad (India, 2007), Aomori (Japan, 2009), Canberra (Australia, 2012), and Jeju Island (Korea, 2014).
