The Hangzhou International Stellarator Workshop (HISW2018)

来源: 聚变理论与模拟中心 作者: 时间:2018-04-13 访问次数:0

The 2018 Hangzhou International Stellarator Workshop (HISW2018) was successfully held on March 26-28, 2018 at the Liutong Hotel in Hangzhou. The workshop was organized by the Institute for Fusion Theory and Simulation (IFTS), Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. This was first such stellarator meeting in China. The purpose of the workshop are a) Provide a platform for discussion of current research and future direction of stellarator/heliotron both within China and abroad; b) Introduce stellarator physics and design to interested researchers in China; c) Enhance domestic and international collaboration in stellarator research.

The workshop topics include (1) Introduction to stellarator/heliotron configurations; (2)Latest theoretical and experimental results; (3) New stellarator programs in China; (4) Future direction of stellarator research; (5) Stellarator design and prospect for stellarator reactors. There were a total of 71 participants with 55 from China and 16 from abroad including Australian, Germany, Japan, Spain, and United States. There were a total of 26 talks presented in 5 sessions: I. Overview; II. Towards Chinese Stellarator Programs; III. Stellarator Design and Optimization; IV. Edge physics in stellarators and tokamaks; V. Stellarator Experiments. The workshop ended with a discussion session on future direction of stellarator programs in China and beyond.

2018HISW Agenda:

2018 Agenda-The Hangzhou International Stellarator Workshop (HISW2018).docx

2018 Workshop Presentations:

1. Introduction to Stellarators(Allen H. Boozer).pdf

2. An Overview of the HSX Program and New Directions(David Thomas Anderson).ppt

3. Research on the H-1 Heliac at the ANU in its differing operating phases(Clive Michael).ppt

4. Design of quasi-axisymmetric stellarator and future plan(Guoyong Fu ).pdf

5. History and scientific strategy from CHS experiment to CHS-qa program(Shoichi Okamura).pdf

6. Configuration design study of the Chinese First Quasi -axisymmetric Stellarator(Akihiro Shimizu).ppt

7. Advanced Configuration and Coil System Design for Chinese First Quasi-axisymmetric Stellarator(Haifeng Liu).pptx

8. Advances in Stellarator Optimization(David Gates ).pdf

9. Stellarator Optimisation Equilibrium and Coils(Michael Drevlak).pdf

10. Differentiating the coil geometry with respect to the plasma boundary(Stuart R. Hudson).pdf

12. Identifying mechanisms to reduce ITG turbulent transport in stellarators(Chris Hegna).pdf

11. Energetic particle physics and optimization methods for stellarators(Donald A. Spong).pdf

13.3D simulations of edge impurity flow obtained by the vacuum ultraviolet emission diagnostics in LHD with EMC3-EIRENE(Shuyu Dai).pdf

14.Stellarator Divertors(Allen H. Boozer).pdf

15. Preliminary research on the island divertor configuration by applying 3_1 RMP in J-TEXT(Nengchao Wang ).pptx

16. Recent RMP research in J-TEXT(Yonghua Ding ).pdf

17. Magnetic field topology modeling under resonant magnetic perturbations on EAST(Jie Huang ).pptx

18. On the interaction between neoclassical and turbulent transport in fusion plasmas(Carlos Hidalgo).pptx

19. Recent Results from the Heliotron J Experiment(Kazunobu Nagasaki ).pdf