New experimental findings of non-local transport in J-TEXT and KSTAR

来源: 聚变理论与模拟中心 作者: 时间:2019-07-08 访问次数:0

Title:New experimental findings of non-local transport in J-TEXT and KSTAR

Speaker:Dr. Yuejiang Shi (石跃江博士)

         Seoul National University, South Korea

Time: 10:00am, Friday, July 12th

Location: Rm. 413, Bld. 11#, Yuquan Campus 

Abstract: A fast increase of the central electron temperature caused by the edge cooling in ohmic heating plasmas, the so-called non-local heat transport (NLT) was first observed in the TEXT and in many fusion devices afterwards. The underlying physics mechanism of NLT is still unclear. One typical characteristic of NLT is this effect disappears with increasing electron density. The ECH experiments in KSTAR show the close correlation between NLT and intrinsic rotation reversal. The cutoff density of NLT and threshold density for rotation reversal can be significantly increased by ECH. The characteristic of linear confinement and saturated confinement for ECH plasma, which is similar to LOC and SOC of OH plasma, is also found. The transition density in ECH plasma from linear to saturated confinement is much higher than the density for LOC-SOC transition, which is consisted with the higher cut-off density of NLT in ECH plasmas. On the other hand, the latest experimental results in J-TEXT tokamak show a steep rises of core density and acceleration of core rotation, which are accompanied by rapid electron temperature increases. These simultaneous increments in three confinement channels are found for the first time in experimental fusion plasmas. These new experimental findings of non-local transport phenomenon in J-TEXT and KSTAR in this paper provide a key clue to reveal more clear background physics mechanism for NLT.