Self-consistent fast ion relaxation in Resonance Broadened Quasi-Linear (RBQ) code modeling

来源: 聚变理论与模拟中心 作者: 时间:2022-01-24 访问次数:0

Time: Nov. 23, 10am

Place: IFTS conference room

Title: Self-consistent fast ion relaxation in Resonance Broadened Quasi-Linear (RBQ) code modeling. 

Speaker: Dr. Nikolai Gorelenkov, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University, USA


We present a realistic Quasi-linear (QL) model to find the energetic particle distribution function relaxed in the presence of Alfvénic instabilities. This approach is a numerically efficient method to capture the evolution of a beam ion distribution function. The spatial structure of the instabilities is computed by the eigenvalue solver for predictive simulations. The effect of Alfvénic eigenmodes (AE) is evaluated by adapting the QL theory [H. Berk et al., Phys. Plasmas'96] generalized for this problem. The application of the model to realistic plasma conditions is improved by going beyond the perturbative-pendulum-like approximation for the wave particle dynamics near the resonance.  In addition the resonance broadening includes the Coulomb collisional or anomalous pitch angle scattering.

A new Resonance Broadened Quasi-linear code (RBQ) is built taking into account the beam ion diffusion in the direction of the canonical toroidal momentum. The wave particle interaction is reduced to one-dimensional dynamics where for the Alfvénic modes typically the particle kinetic energy is nearly constant. The diffusion equation is solved simultaneously for all particles together with the evolution equation for the mode amplitudes.
We apply the RBQ code to a DIII-D plasma with elevated q-profile where the beam ion profiles show stiff transport properties [C. Collins et al. PRL'16]. The sources and sinks are included via the Krook operator. The properties of AE driven fast ion distribution relaxation are studied for validations of the applied QL model to DIII-D discharges. Initial results show that the model is robust, numerically efficient, and can predict the fast ion relaxation in present and future burning plasmas.