Observation of turbulence energy transfer in a cylindrical laboratory plasma

来源: 聚变理论与模拟中心 作者: 时间:2023-07-03 访问次数:7

       We report the experimental results on the turbulence energy transfer in a cylindrical laboratory plasma based on the data obtained by a set of Quadruple Langmuir Probe (QLP) on Zheda Plasma Experiment Device (ZPED). The turbulence energy transfer is directly embodied in the alternating change of the fluctuation amplitudes between the low frequency shear flow (LFSF) at 0.2kHz and the drift wave (DW) turbulence at 1 2kHz. The estimation of radial electric field and bispectral analysis of the experiments suggest that the DW turbulence gains the energy from the low frequency turbulence. The energy transport due to the interaction between the LFSF ant the DW turbulence with the magnetic field increase is a possible reason to drive the turbulence energy transfer in the laboratory plasma. 

107.Observation of turbulence energy transfer in a cylindrical laboratory plasma.pdf