陈 骝

来源: 聚变理论与模拟中心 作者: 时间:2024-01-26 访问次数:26






■ 2006-Present, Director, Institution for Fusion Theory and Simulation, Zhejiang University

■ 1993-Present, Professor of Physics, University of California, Irvine, CA.

■ 1993-Present, PI, DOE Grant on Theoretical Fusion Plasma Physics.

■ 1986-Present, PI, NSF Grant on Hydromagnetic Alfven Waves in the Earth’s Magnetosphere

■ 1986-1993, Deputy Head, Theory Division, PPPL, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ.

■ 1985-1988, Associate Editor, Physics of Fluids.

■ 1982-1993, Principal Research Physicist, PPPL, and Lecturer with Rank of Professor, Department of Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ.

■ 1979-1982, Lecturer with Rank of Associate Professor in Department of Astrophysical Sciences,Princeton University, Princeton, NJ.

■ 1979-1982, Lecturer with Rank of Associate Professor in Department of Astrophysical Sciences,Princeton University, Princeton, NJ.

■ 1977-1982, Research Physicist, PPPL, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ.

■ 1975-1977, Research Staff, PPPL, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ.

■ 1974-1975, Research Associate, PPPL, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ.

■ 1972-1974, Member of Technical Staff, Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ, Plasma Physics, Space Physics.

■ 1969-1972 Ph.D.(1972),University of California, Berkeley

■ 1966-1969 M.S.(1969), Washington State Univ., Pullman

■        -1966 B.S.(1966), National Taiwan University, Taipei



Professor Liu Chen has made original contributions in basic plasma physics, fusion, and space physics. His seminal works (12 papers with more than 100 citations and more than 5,700 total citations according to SCI) include the discoveries of kinetic Alfvén waves, toroidal Alfvén eigenmode modes, and energetic particle modes; the theories of geomagnetic pulsations, Alfvén wave heating, and fishbone oscillations; the first formulation of nonlinear gyrokinetic equations; and the fundamental contributions to drift wave instabilities and turbulence. Prof. Chen received the APS Award for Excellence in Plasma Physics Research in 2004 “For the Theoretical Discovery and Experimental Identification of Toroidicity Induced Alfven Eigenmodes”. He also received the European Physical Society (EPS) the 2008 Hannes Alfven Prize “for his many seminalworks on Alfvén wave physics in both laboratory and space plasmas, for his continuing contribution of new ideas which have fostered creativity and promoted cross-fertilization in both these areas of research, and for his fundamental contributions in educating a new generation of researchers for which he is an example to emulate”. Prof. Chen has supervised many prominent Ph.D students including T.S. Hahm, H. Biglari, A. A. Chan, F. Zonca, G. Vetoulis, and G. Zhao, and postdocs including R.A. Santoro, G. Hu, L.J. Zheng, S. Dettrick, W. Wang, S. Hu, C. Crabtree, and A. Bierwage. They have established a school of thoughts that has been shaping a generation of theoretical plasma physicists.


1. A Theory of Long Period Magnetic Pulsations, 1. Steady State Excitation of Field Line Resonance, L. Chen and A. Hasegawa, J. Geophys Res. 79, 1024-1032 (March 1974).

2. Nonlinear Gyrokinetic Equations for Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Waves in General Plasma Equilibrium, E. A. Frieman and L. Chen, Phys. Fluids 25, 502-508 (March 1982).

3. Excitation of Internal Kink Modes by Trapped Energetic Beam Ions, L. Chen, R. B. White, and M. N. Rosenbluth, Phys. Rev. Lett. 52, 1122-1125 (March 1984).

4. Theory of Magnetohydrodynamic Instabilities Excited by Energetic Particles in Tokamaks, L. Chen, Phys. Plasmas 1(5), 1519 (May 1994).

5. Excitation of Zonal Flow by Drift Waves in Toroidal Plasmas, L. Chen, Z. Lin, and R. White, Phys. of Plasmas 7(8), 3129 (2000).