2024年3月28日(周四)15:00 Prof. Zhihong Lin

来源: 聚变理论与模拟中心 作者: 时间:2024-05-20 访问次数:13

Seminar titleExascale Simulation of Fusion Plasmas

SpeakerProf. Zhihong Lin University of California, Irvine



AbstractAfter more than half a century’s research, fusion energy program is now on an accelerated path toward commercialization that promises a clean and limitless energy source for humanity. The pivotal next step is to achieve high energy gain in the magnetic fusion reactors under construction by both private fusion enterprises and public programs like the ITER tokamak, currently the largest international scientific collaboration. The ignition in ITER requires self-heating by well confined energetic fusion products (alpha particles) to sustain the high plasma temperature. Given the absence of experimental data, it is critically important to develop numerical simulation to predict and optimize the alpha confinement properties in the future burning plasmas dominated by alpha heating. In this presentation, I will describe current status of exascale fusion simulation and highlight recent progress on predicting alpha confinement in ITER operational scenarios by a large international collaboration.

Bio of Prof. Zhihong Lin: https://sun.ps.uci.edu/zlin/vitae.htm