Fluid simulations of resistive drift-wave turbulence with diamagnetic flow in ZPED experiments

来源: 聚变理论与模拟中心 作者: 时间:2024-05-22 访问次数:14

Fluid simulations of resistive drift-wave turbulence

with diamagnetic flow in ZPED experiments

Cite as: Phys. Plasmas 31, 052108 (2024);

Submitted: 3 December 2023 . Accepted: 23 April 2024 .

Published Online: 7 May 2024

H. J. Zhao, Y. Mao, Z. Y. Wang, W. W. Xiao,a) and Y. Xiaoa)


Institute for Fusion Theory and Simulation, School of Physics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China

a)Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed: wwxiao@zju.edu.cn and yxiao@zju.edu.cn


We derive a diamagnetic resistive fluid model (DRF) and develop an associated two-dimensional fluid simulation code (DRF-2D) to explore the dynamics of resistive drift modes within the plasmas of the Zheda Plasma Experiment Device (ZPED). The validation of the linear dispersion relation for the DRF-2D code revealed a harmonious agreement between analytical theory and linear numerical simulations. Leveraging plasma parameters obtained from the ZPED experiments, we conducted a comprehensive series of nonlinear simulations using the DRF-2D code. Our simulations successfully replicate the nonlinear trends in turbulent fluctuations and transport observed in the ZPED experiments, particularly demonstrating a remarkably accurate alignment of the turning point in the magnetic field. Notably, the DRF model sheds light on the observed frequency sign reversal from the electron diamagnetic direction to the ion diamagnetic direction in the ZPED experiments. This is demonstrated through well-matched turning points in the confining magnetic field between the nonlinear simulations and ZPED experiments. The fidelity of our model in capturing these phenomena underscores its efficacy in providing valuable insights and predictive capabilities for the intricate dynamics observed in the ZPED plasmas.



FIG. 4. Density mode structures obtained from nonlinear simulations. The m-spectra are presented in (a)–(c), respectively. Corresponding 2D mode structures are depicted in (d)–(f).

Fluid simulations of resistive drift-wave turbulence with diamagnetic flow in ZPED experiments.pdf