2024-11-21 14:00 Jie Wu

来源: 聚变理论与模拟中心 作者: 时间:2024-11-19 访问次数:19




题目:Development of CLT pellet module and its application on NTM mitigation

CLT pellet module adds multiple fueling methods into CLT simulation code including single pellet, SPI and non-pellet methods like SMBI and GP for both work gas and impurity injection. Since the ablation of pellet causes an extremely high local perturbation of plasma density, temperature, current, etc. which are not handled well in CLT's central difference format and will cause, a mixed WENO-central difference format and a new parallel transport algorithm based on field-line tracing are developed to eliminate numerical oscillation and make long-time calculation after pellet injection possible. 
The first application of CLT pellet module is to simulate NTM mitigation effect using deuterium pellet. The results suggest that pellet injection has multiple impact on NTM: When the ablation cloud of pellet is positioned at the outer margin of magnetic island and increases local turbulent transport, the 2/1 NTM is suppressed, but if the strong density and temperature purturbation from pellet enters the q=2 surface, the 2/1 NTM along with other modes will be greatly enhanced and lead to a quick crash..