Title: Progress in laboratory exploration of astrophysical phenomena
Speaker: Prof. C. Kang. Li, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Time: December 14 14:00-16:00 pm
Venue: Rm. 413, Bld. 11#, Yuquan Campus
While astrophysical phenomena have traditionally been studied with observations, theoretical modeling, and numerical simulations,the advent of high-intensity, high-energy lasers made it possible of a more quantitative approach in laboratoriesfor validating and complementing such studies. Significant progresses haverecently been made in a series of experiments, including our work, for addressing the important issues. These efforts dramatically advance our understanding of, and provide important insight into many interesting fundamental astrophysical phenomena, including turbulent dynamo, magnetic reconnection,plasma Instabilities and spontaneous fields, astrophysical jets andcollisionless shocks, plasma nuclear science, equation of state, opacity, and pair electrons, etc. In this talk, astrophysical phenomena at extreme conditions and their relationship with high-energy-density plasmas created by lasers are outlined. The physics and methodology for connecting laboratory experiments to astrophysical phenomena will be discussed. We will highlight several recent laboratory experimentsthathave been manifested by numerous recent publications.