Title: Progress in direct-drive inertial confinement fusion Speaker: Prof. R. Betti, University of Rochester Time: December 14 14:00-16:00 pm
Venue: Rm. 413, Bld. 11#, Yuquan Campus
Abstract:Recent progress in the design of direct drive inertial fusion implosions has led to record fusion yields on the OMEGA laser of the University of Rochester. A new design methodology was developed that uses a statistical mapping of past experiments onto a simulation database. This procedure assumes that the hydrodynamic codes used in implosion designs lack the necessary physics and that measurements of implosion properties are imperfect. It also assumes that while the measurements may have significant systematic errors, the shot-to-shot variations are small and that cryogenic implosion data are reproducible as observed on OMEGA. In addition to improved target design options, the statistical mapping also provides an accurate tool for predicting implosion performance. This methodology is being tested first on low-convergenceimplosions and will subsequently be applied to implosions with increasing convergence up to the level required for a hydro-equivalent demonstration of ignition. Furthermore, the results from this experimental campaign have been used to test the validity of the physics models used in the radiation--hydrodynamics codes.