Title: Local and global analysis of symmetry breaking for ITG and BAE modes
Speaker: Dr. Zhixin Lu, Max-Planck-Institut for Plasmaphysik
Time: December 21 09:00 am
Venue: Rm. 413, Bld. 11#, Yuquan Campus
You are warmly welcomed to take part in it.
来源: 聚变理论与模拟中心 作者: 时间:2017-12-19 访问次数:0次
Title: Local and global analysis of symmetry breaking for ITG and BAE modes
Speaker: Dr. Zhixin Lu, Max-Planck-Institut for Plasmaphysik
Time: December 21 09:00 am
Venue: Rm. 413, Bld. 11#, Yuquan Campus
You are warmly welcomed to take part in it.