Local and global analysis of symmetry breaking for ITG and BAE modes
Title: Local and global analysis of symmetry breaking for ITG and BAE modesSpeaker: Dr. Zhixin Lu, Max-Planck-Institut for PlasmaphysikTime: December 21 09:00 amVenue: Rm. 413, Bld. 11#, Yuquan CampusYou are warmly welcomed to take part in it.
Progress in direct-drive inertial confinement fusion
Title: Progress in direct-drive inertial confinement fusion Speaker: Prof. R. Betti, University of Rochester Time: December 14 14:00-16:00 pm Venue: Rm. 413, Bld. 11#, Yuquan Campus Abstract:Recent progress in the design of direct drive inertial fusion implosions has led to record fusion yields on the OMEGA laser of the University of Rochester. A new design methodology was developed that uses a statistical mapping of past experiments onto a simulation database. This procedure assumes that the hydrodynamic codes used in implosion designs lack the necessary physics and that measurements of implosion properties are imperfect. It also assumes that while the measurements may have significant systematic errors, the shot-to-shot variations are small and that cryogenic implosion data are reproducible as observed on OMEGA. In addition to improved target design options, the statistical mapping also provides an accurate tool for predicting implosion performance. This methodology is being tested first on low-convergenceimplosions and will subsequently be applied to implosions with increasing convergence up to the level required for a hydro-equivalent demonstration of ignition. Furthermore, the results from this experimental campaign have been used to test the validity of the physics models used in the radiation--hydrodynamics codes.
Progress in laboratory exploration of astrophysical phenomena
Title: Progress in laboratory exploration of astrophysical phenomena Speaker: Prof. C. Kang. Li, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Time: December 14 14:00-16:00 pm Venue: Rm. 413, Bld. 11#, Yuquan Campus Abstract: While astrophysical phenomena have traditionally been studied with observations, theoretical modeling, and numerical simulations,the advent of high-intensity, high-energy lasers made it possible of a more quantitative approach in laboratoriesfor validating and complementing such studies. Significant progresses haverecently been made in a series of experiments, including our work, for addressing the important issues. These efforts dramatically advance our understanding of, and provide important insight into many interesting fundamental astrophysical phenomena, including turbulent dynamo, magnetic reconnection,plasma Instabilities and spontaneous fields, astrophysical jets andcollisionless shocks, plasma nuclear science, equation of state, opacity, and pair electrons, etc. In this talk, astrophysical phenomena at extreme conditions and their relationship with high-energy-density plasmas created by lasers are outlined. The physics and methodology for connecting laboratory experiments to astrophysical phenomena will be discussed. We will highlight several recent laboratory experimentsthathave been manifested by numerous recent publications.
First announcement of the Hangzhou International Stellarator Workshop (HISW2018), March 26-28, 2018, Hangzhou, China
The Hangzhou International Stellarator Workshop will be held in Hangzhou, China from March 26th, Monday to March 28th, Wednesday, in 2018. The workshop is being organized by Institute for Fusion Theory and Simulation (IFTS), Zhejiang University.This is first such stellarator meeting in China. Currently significant programs of stellarator research are being initiated in China. The University of South China is importing H1-N stellarator from Australian National University. The Southwest Jiaotong University in Chengdu is planning construction of a new quasi-symmetric stellarator. Zhejiang University in Hangzhou has started a stellarator theory program aiming for design and building of a new innovative stellarator. To help with all the initiatives, we are organizing a 3-day international workshop on stellarator/heliotron during March 26-28, 2018. The location will be in the city of Hangzhou where Zhejiang University is located. Hangzhou is well known for her scenic attractions and is only one hour away from Shanghai by high-speed trains. The purpose of the workshop is two folds: a) Provide a platform for discussion of current research and future direction of stellarator/heliotron both within China and abroad; b) Introduce stellarator physics and design to interested researchers in China.Topics of the workshop will include:Introduction to stellarator/heliotron configurations;Latest theoretical and experimental results;New stellarator programs in China;Future direction of stellarator research;Stellarator design and prospect for stellarator reactors.The confirmed invited speakers are listed below:Prof. David Anderson, University of Wisconsin, USAProf. Allen Boozer, Columbia University, USADr. Michael Drevlak, Max Planck Institute of Plasma Physics, GermanyDr. Yuhe Feng, Max Planck Institute of Plasma Physics, GermanyProf. Guoyong Fu, Zhejiang University, ChinaDr. David Gates, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, USAProf. Carlos Hidalgo, Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión, SpainProf. Shoichi Okamura, National Institute for Fusion Science, JapanDr. Thomas Pedersen, Max Planck Institute of Plasma Physics, GermanyDr. Donald Spong, Oak Ridge National University, USAProf. Yuhong Xu, Southwest Jiaotong University, ChinaInstitute for Fusion Theory and SimulationHangzhou, ChinaDecember 5, 2017
武慧春教授邀请到上海交通大学激光等离子体物理研究所的陈民教授, 翁苏明研究员和远晓辉副研究员, 定于2017年11月6-7号进行学术交流. 陈民教授将关注毛细管放电在激光等离子体实验中的应用及其相关的放电数值模拟. 翁苏明研究员将报告其最近在强场物理中的极端法拉第旋转效应工作. 远晓辉副研究员将针对与浙大合作启动的高空气球实验进行交流.翁苏明研究员的报告日期:11月7号时间:14:00地点:教十一413摘要:Extreme case of Faraday effect in strongly magnetized plasmasSuming WengThe Faraday effect or Faraday rotation observed in 1846 was the first experimental evidence of the electromagnetic wave nature of light. In general, this effect causes a polarization rotation of light during its propagation along the magnetic field in a medium. In principle, this is caused by magneto-chiral dichroism of left-circularly polarized and right-circularly polarized electromagnetic waves propagating at differential phase speeds in magnetized materials. To date, the Faraday effect plays a pivot role in many applications such as the manipulation of light, and the probing of magnetic fields and material’s properties.In the talk, we will report an extreme case of the Faraday effect that a linearly polarized ultrashort laser pulse splits in time into two circularly polarized pulses of opposite handedness during its propagation in a highly magnetized plasma[1]. This offers a new degree of freedom to manipulate ultrashort and ultrahigh power laser pulses. Together with technologies of ultra-strong magnetic fields, it may pave the way for novel optical devices, such as magnetized plasma polarizers. The latter could allow the generation of circularly polarized laser pulses as high power as 10 PW in up-to-date laser facilities. The resultant high-power circularly polarized pulses are particularly attractive for laser-driven ion acceleration, and optical control of mesoscopic objects. In addition, it may offer a powerful means to measure strong magnetic fields broadly existing in objects in the universe and in laser–matter interactions in laboratories. Figure: Sketch and simulation result of the magnetic splitting of an ultrashort linearly polarized (LP) laser pulse, which is incident along the magnetic field B into a plasma. The right-circularly polarized (RCP) sub-pulse follows the left-circularly polarized (LCP) sub-pulse in time.[1] S. M. Weng, Q. Zhao, Z. M. Sheng et al.. Extreme case of Faraday effect: Magnetic splitting of ultrashort laser pulses in plasmas. Optica 4(9), 1086-1091 (2017).
题目:Particle transport due to low-frequency electromagnetic fluctuations报告人:陈骝教授, IFTS,浙江大学&加州大学尔湾分校时间:10月12日(周四)下午3:00地点:教11-413欢迎各位老师和学生的参加!如有变动,另行通知!
中心专家来访--程钧 博士
Time: Thursday, June 29th, 2:00 pm Venue: Rm. 413, Bld. 11#, Yuquan CampusTitle:Experimental studies of low-intermediate-high confinement transition on HL-2A tokamakAbstract:Understanding L-H transition mechanisms is essential for providing a predictable power threshold for a successful operation of fusion reactor. The limit cycle oscillation (LCO), observed in slow L-H transition with expansion of time scale, provides opportunities for study of the nonlinear transition mechanism quantitatively. This report in detail introduces experimental studies of low-intermediate-high confinement mode transitions at marginal heating power on the HL-2A. The mutual interactions between the radial electric field, turbulence and mean pressure gradient are analyzed. The insight into the physics of H-mode is illustrated.个人简历:程钧, 博士, 副研究员。目前在HL-2A托卡马克装置上从事边缘等离子体物理与实验工作。在边缘极限振荡环、L-H转换以及边缘输运垒等物理机制领域取得许多创新性成果。获得过国家自然科学基金面上项目和国家磁约束专项人才项目的资助。在重要学术刊物Physics Review Letter , Nuclear Fusion 等杂志上发表学术论文30 余篇,多次在国际大会上做口头报告。 代表性文章:1. J.Cheng, J.Q.Dong, K.Itoh, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 265002 (2013)2. J.Cheng, J.Q.Dong, L.W.Yan, et al., Nucl. Fusion 53, 093008 (2014)3. J.Cheng, J.Q.Dong, LW.Yan, et al., Europhysics Letters 116, 150011 (2016)4. J. Cheng, J.Q.Dong, L.W.Yan, et al., Nucl. Fusion 53, 093008 (2013)5. J.Cheng, L.W.Yan, et al. , Plasma Phys. Control Fusion 52, 055003 (2010)6. J. Cheng, L.W.Yan, K.J.Zhao, et al., Nuclear Fusion 49, 085030 (2009)7. J.Cheng, L.W.Yan, J.Q.Dong, et al.,J. Nucl. Mater 438, S1200 (2013)8. J.Cheng, J.Q.Dong, L.W.Yan, et al., J. Nucl. Mater 463,455 (2015)
中心专家来访--Dr. Vinicius Duarte
First Talk:Time: Thursday, June 15th, 3:00 pm Venue: Rm. 413, Bld. 11#, Yuquan CampusTitle about: Quasilinear relaxation formalism for energetic particle interaction with Alfvénic modesSpeaker: Dr. Vinicius Duarte, Univ. of Sao Paulo, BrazilAbstract :Reduced kinetic models can be effective tools to address the transport of fast ions in tokamaks. In particular, we propose a resonance-broadened quasilinear diffusive framework in which the relevant variables are chosen to be the invariants of the unperturbed resonant particle Hamiltonian. The formulation describes the distribution function evolution in phase space and captures both regimes of isolated and overlapping modes. We show how linear perturbative MHD codes can be used to provide information such as eigenstructures, resonance surfaces and mode-particle interaction matrix elements, all of which are necessary for realistic modeling of experimental discharges. Preliminary numerical results are discussed, as well as the prospects of using the resonance-broadened quasilinear model for whole-device simulation through proper interfacing with global transport codes. Second Talk:Time: Tuesday, June 20th, 10:00 am Venue: Rm. 413, Bld. 11#, Yuquan CampusTitle about: Prediction of nonlinear evolution character of energetic-particle-driven instabilitiesSpeaker: Dr. Vinicius Duarte, Univ. of Sao Paulo, BrazilAbstract :Energetic-particle-driven instabilities can seriously limit the performance of present-day and next-generation fusion devices. We propose a criterion for the likely nature of losses of fast ions in tokamaks to be in the convective or diffusive nonlinear regimes. The criterion, which is shown to be rather sensitive to collisional and micro-turbulent processes, ultimately translates into a condition for the applicability of quasilinear modeling for realistic tokamak eigenmodes scenarios. The criterion is tested and validated against NSTX and DIII-D, where the chirping mode behavior is shown to be in accord with the model. It has been found that the anomalous fast ion transport is a likely mediator of the transition between the fixed-frequency mode behavior and rapid chirping in tokamaks. In addition, micro-turbulence appears to resolve the disparity with respect to the ubiquitous chirping observation in spherical tokamaks and its rarer occurrence in conventional tokamaks.
“浙江大学2016年度十大学术进展”评选活动于2016年1月11日正式启动,由各学部、科学技术研究院、校学术委员会委员以及同行专家等共推荐23项候选项目,最终评审结果于6月1日由浙江大学学术委员会正式发布:我中心武慧春教授的“球状闪电的相对论微波理论”入选“浙江大学2016年度十大学术进展”之一。入选公告链接:http://ac.zju.edu.cn/redir.php?catalog_id=455&object_id=13624入选成果简介:2016年6月,浙江大学聚变理论与模拟中心和物理系的武慧春教授发表了球状闪电的相对论微波理论[Wu, Sci. Rep. 2016]。该理论基于近十年观测到的闪电高能现象,认为闪电触及地面时产生了一个强流电子束;该电子束打击地面或穿透媒介时,产生了相对论微波;微波进而击穿空气,其辐射压排空产生的等离子体,形成了一个球形等离子体空泡。PIC数值模拟验证了整个物理过程。该理论能解释球闪的大多数特征:球闪大小(20-50cm)由电子束长度决定,实验观测显示后者可短至30cm;闪电高能电子能量约为10MeV,可穿透厚金属板,在出射面产生微波,这解释了密闭空间中的球闪形成;电子地面打击点和雷击点无关解释了球闪可远离闪电通道形成;还有其他许多特性的解释。闪电学术权威明确指出,不能解释球闪在密闭空间及远离雷击点形成的理论是不能接受的。武教授的理论是迄今可以解释这两点的唯一理论。该理论的一个推论是人们可能已经探测到与球闪同源的无线电波。武教授找到了该无线电信号,并利用上述球闪机理定量解释了其大多数特征[Wu, Geophys. Res. Lett. 2017]。该信号是美俄三颗卫星发现并研究了长达20多年的一种地球环境中最强的无线电波。该信号的存在和成功解释为球闪微波理论提供了一个强有力的实际依据。上述工作受邀参加了法国第一届闪电雷暴国际会议,报告得到了闪电科学家的高度评价和支持。美国斯蒂芬教授评价道:“The relativistic microwave theory of ball lightning recently proposed by Wu accounts for many of the leading characteristics of ball lightning, which most previous theories have failed to do.”报告图片被会议主页特写,并受邀加入第二届会议组委会。该工作还受邀在第一届亚太等离子体物理会议上做大会报告。迄今为止,球闪工作总浏览量超1.7万次,被英美西日等国媒体报道,20多个国家120多Twitter用户关注。全球关注度Altmetric指数超100,处在同期所有科技论文的前3%之列。被NatureAsia从Sci. Rep.在2016全年所发2万多篇论文中选出Highlight的五篇物理论文之一。美国新科学杂志Nautilus做了一个学术报道,提到:“Chinese scientist H.-C. Wu offered a compelling (令人信服) new explanation.”该工作还入选知社组织的“2016年中国新锐科技人物”。综上所述,武教授的球闪理论具有如下特点:①有闪电高能现象的实验基础;②是描述球闪形成的第一个自洽的定量理论,且有模拟支持;③成功解释了球闪的大多数特征,其中一部分是精确定量解释,另一部分是其他理论都不能解释而学术界要求必须解释的;④已得到国际同行的愈多认同;⑤其推论已得到验证。上述几点是其他球闪理论远远做不到的。
题目:等离子体中激光参量不稳定性放大的粒子模拟研究与分析报告人:贾青博士,普林斯顿大学时间:1月12 日上午9:00-10:00 地点:中心会议室(教11 413-1)摘要:近年来,EW(10^18W)级短脉冲激光被提出用于研究核物理、真空非线性QED物理等领域。但由于压缩光栅热损伤阈值的限制,基于啁啾脉冲放大(CPA)构型的短脉冲激光装置的输出功率限制在数拍瓦(10^15W)水平。为实现高功率输出,研究人员提出利用没有激光损伤阈值的等离子体作为介质进行脉冲放大。本报告将简要介绍我们在等离子体中激光参量不稳定性放大领域开展的一些工作,主要包括:利用等离子体中不同参量不稳定进行的激光放大过程的区分和优劣比较,正负电子对等离子体中的参量放大分析,磁化等离子体中的参量放大的非线性分析及预聚焦脉冲的拉曼放大模拟等研究。
陈骝教授获得2017年浙江省海外高层次人才联谊会“创新成果”奖1st Announcement of 1st Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics 1st Announcement on 1st Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics (AAPPS-DPP 2017) September 18-23, Golden Ox (Jinniu) Hotel Organized by AAPPS-DPP Hosted by Southwestern Institute of Physics Endorsed by CPS-DPP, CNS-NFPP, KPS-DPP, PSSI, JPS-DPP, JSPF Sponsored by Chengdu city and APCTP AAPPS-DPP executive committee (M. Kikuchi, chair) decided to organize the 1st Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics (AAPPS-DPP2017 in short). This conference will be the general plasma physics conference in Asia-Pacific region, similar to the APS-DPP and EPS-DPP conferences on plasma physics.
title about: 托卡马克台基区的回旋动理学模拟speaker: 刘东剑Time: April 27th, 28th Venue: Rm. 413, Bld. 11#, Yuquan Campus
Variational formulations of hybrid kinetic-MHD models by Alain J. Brizard
Title about: Variational formulations of hybrid kinetic-MHD modelsSpeaker: Alain J. Brizard (Saint Michael’s College)Time: Friday, April 21st , 4:00 pm Venue: Rm. 413, Bld. 11#, Yuquan CampusAbstract :Hybrid kinetic-MHD models (e.g., Chen-White-Rosenbluth model) play a crucial role in our ability to assess the impact of a distribution of energetic particles (e.g., runaway electrons or fusion products) on the stability of MHD modes in general magnetic geometry. The existence of a variational formulation ensures that the equations of the hybrid kinetic-MHD model are derived self-consistently and that important conservation laws involving the transfer of energy (or wave action) and momentum are accurately described.